Bringing out the best in people together. That matters more.
Working together on being a good employer
In 2001, HumanCapitalCare began as an occupational health & safety service and over the course of 20 years, it has developed into a broad service provider and strategic partner for the Dutch working force. If employees come first in your organisation, then we are there for you because it means we share the same conviction: that when employees prosper, the company prospers. That is why we help you become a good employer in a way that fits with your organisation and allows your employees to bring out the best in themselves. That matters more.
Bringing out the best in employees with good employers as the basis. That matters more.
How we matter more
Together with 2,000 employers, we work on creating a safe and pleasant work environment, motivating and inspiring leadership, employability, career development and sick leave follow-up for 500,000 employees. We do this with 600 colleagues—from medical officers to data analysts, from occupational health & safety advisors to case managers—at regional offices throughout the entire country.
Our service is just as diverse as our approach. We advise, brainstorm and execute. We provide insights, solutions, test according to the legislation and regulations and execute. At the centre of it all are the ambition and culture of our customers, which are unique and, accordingly, so is our approach.
We are there for the Dutch working force, at the right time with the right professionals and actions. That matters more.

Maatschappelijk meer betekenen
HumanCapitalCare is onderdeel van HumanTotalCare. Samen met ArboNed, Mensely, en Focus dragen we bij aan gezond, gemotiveerd en competent werkend Nederland.
De medewerkers bij HumanTotalCare hebben één gemeenschappelijk doel: #meerbetekenen voor werkend Nederland. Als het gaat om maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (MVO) kiezen we dan ook voor thema’s waarop we écht meer kunnen betekenen: materiële thema’s waarin we een verschil kunnen maken. Meer hierover lees je op humantotalcare.nl/mvo.
Working at HumanCapitalCare
HumanCapitalCare does everything in its power to be a company you want to be a part of by striving to be a good employer and allowing our employees to bring out the best in themselves. Practice what you preach. That matters more.