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Focusing on stress. That matters more.

Stress: it’s all about balance

Although work stress remains the main cause of mental health sick leave, it does not mean that stress is only bad. Sometimes you need stress to perform at your full potential. However, when an employee’s stress increases in various areas, it is crucial to make positive energy resources available. These energy resources ensure that the employee will cope better with the existing workload and work stress. It’s all about balance, between work and private life, turning on and off, energy providers and energy consumers.

Covid-19 gave stress a new meaning. The way we work and live changed tremendously in a very short time. The Dutch working force is still affected in various ways by the virus. This requires us to find and maintain a new balance.

Work stress: 5 tips for balance

Psychologist Louise Hildebrand gives advice that you can share with your employees. “Almost everyone has ideas about how to stay in balance. However, this is easier said than done, especially when your work is stressful.”

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Balance between work and private life factsheet

Working from home can disrupt the balance between work and private life. This work-private life balance factsheet, created by the Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, explains how to recognise a disrupted balance and how to actively maintain a healthy balance.

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Taking control in times of crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic raised many questions and challenges. Managers were more crucial than ever before. Their role was suddenly not so self-evident due to the tremendous changes in our work method and collaboration. But how do you carry out your role as manager during times of crisis?

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Listing the figures


222 days

Is the average sick-leave duration in case of stress.
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26,1 procent

More than a quarter of the long-term sick leave is stress related.

25 - 45 years old

Stress-related sick leave is most common in the age group of 25 to 45.


Mainly in the sectors of healthcare, eduaction, public administration and public services.

More viewable tips

Resilience, Now & in the Future

Resilient employees are flexible, deal well with stress and setbacks and adjust easily. They have self-confidence, enjoy their work and are productive. That is extremely valuable to them and to the organisation. You can train people to be resilient with our Resilience, Now & and in the Future training.


Key role for managers

As an organisation you want to take good care of your people. Managers play a key role in this with their vision, guidance and support of employees. But how do you strengthen managers in their key role? How do you support them in realising their goals and in motivating and inspiring employees and teams? With motivating leadership.



Dealing better with stress matters more.
Together we will give it the attentention it deserves.