Paying attention to safety and risks is in our DNA
The Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) is dedicated to making the field of aerospace more sustainable, safer, more efficient and more effective. NLR works independently and objectively for and with the national and international business community and government agencies. It is the connecting link between science, the business community and the government. NLR wants to be the place for employees with a passion for technology with its hypermodern facilities, but most of all by stimulating them to develop and utilise their talents.

Nothing is accepted blindly
The fact that HumanCapitalCare has been working with NLR for so long does not mean that critical thinking is no longer part of the approach. “Most of our 650 employees are highly educated scientists and researchers. They really don’t accept things blindly,” Carla explains. “If you show them a table about absenteeism development, they will just as easily show you a table that shows that the opposite is true. They are very capable of proving the opposite. Fortunately, HumanCapitalCare continuously compares our figures and developments with those of other clients. That way they are capable of providing substantiated advice about working in a healthy, motivated and competent manner.”
Responding proactively to developments
NLR regularly evaluates the partnership. “HumanCapitalCare always provides us with added value. That is why we have no reason to look for a different partner,” according to Henk van Bremen, Working Conditions Quality & Environment advisor. “HumanCapitalCare doesn’t just anticipate based on our questions, they also make proactive suggestions that improve our long-term employability. A good example of responding to current and recent developments is the Digital Home-Workplace Check. They took initiative and suggested this check during Covid-19 and many employees found this check very valuable. It helps them to organise their work space in such a way that they prevent physical complaints. That is extremely important for them as well as for our organisation. HumanCapitalCare really matters to us.”
Testing our judgements
NLR also received a list with Covid guidelines and recommendations. “In a short period of time, HumanCapitalCare developed into an expert in the field,” says Henk. “That is very useful because that way we also increase our safety in that aspect and limit the possible risks. They also support us in providing information about VDU work and the importance of relaxing after exertion. And they also help us in designing work stations during building and renovation projects. Paying attention to safety and possible risks is in our DNA. That makes it all the better to have an external party that tests our judgements and proposes new ideas.”
Working in a safe and healthy manner and with pleasure
Carla Hart - HR Manager of The Netherlands Aerospace Centre
“We have been working with HumanCapitalCare for 12 years,” says HR manager Carla Hart. “And in full satisfaction, I might add. Together we make sure our employees work in a safe and healthy manner and with pleasure. Continuity is very important in our organisation, also in our collaboration with partners. We don’t want a new medical officer every few months. Our current medical officer has been with us for years. It is pleasant to be surrounded by a team that knows NLR well and knows what our wishes and challenges are.”

The collaboration with other external parties
When it concerns risk inventories that require specific knowledge—such us dangerous lasers or pressure vessels—then NLR hires specialist companies. “We cannot expect HumanCapitalCare to possess the necessary knowledge for that,” says Henk. “And we don’t need them to. They only strengthen each other. I share the reports from the other specialists with HumanCapitalCare, which often leads to new insights and ideas. In the end, everything is combined in the comprehensive Risk Inventory & Evaluation that HumanCapitalCare carries out for us as our partner in health & safety.”

More real stories about collaborating on good employment practice

Bosch Rexroth
Bosch Rexroth is a technical company with a considerable quantity of machinery and a focus on digitalisation. It wants to be a modern employer and its employees are still its most important asset. That is why Bosch Rexroth has been working with HumanCapitalCare since 2017 to keep its employees healthy, motivated and competent.

It’s probably safe to assume that the ANWB is one of the best-known brands in the Netherlands. Who hasn’t encountered their roadside service or their International Assistance? Every day, ANWB’s 4,000 employees make sure that everyone can be happily on their way without worries. As an employer, the ANWB does everything it can to make sure its employees stay healthy, motivated and competent.