Obvion HR Manager Rob Senden and HR Business Partner Patricia Heidendal about the transfer to HumanCapitalCare
“There is a positive atmosphere again!”
Obvion, the mortgage specialist, is a subsidiary of Rabobank. Consequently, for many years it was obvious that the company would use the same occupational health & safety service as its parent enterprise. Nevertheless, soon after Rob Senden became HR Manager, he began looking for a different provider. “We benefit from a partner that wants to have a relationship with us, collaborate with us and really get to know us. At the end of 2020, we found that partner in HumanCapitalCare. It turned out to be a good choice because we are very pleased with their personal, professional and proactive approach!”
Quite soon after Rob joined Obvion in 2018, Rabobank decided that Obvion’s occupational health & safety service should be provided by Rabobank’s provider in Eindhoven. The folks at Obvion, located in Heerlen, which is about 90 kilometres away from Eindhoven, thought this was too far away. “It’s no problem discussing a flu case by phone with the medical officer, but when you are suffering from serious and long-term symptoms, you simply want to have personal contact near your company. Fortunately, HumanCapitalCare understands this and is set up for this.”

Leadership, collaboration, job satisfaction and involvement
In recent years, Obvion has been quite successful, partly thanks to its programmes in the area of leadership, recruitment and branding. As a result, the company scored above 8 in the employee job satisfaction survey, even in the corona period. Besides leadership, important contributors to this score were collaboration, job satisfaction and involvement. “With 600 employees, we are a mature company within Rabobank and I am convinced we can achieve amazing things if we give the company a boost in the area of health and vitality.”
From insight to action
One of the things that gave the company a boost was the we-care health management system of HumanCapitalCare. “A breath of fresh air,” according to Patricia Heidendal. “With we-care we receive important and measurable absenteeism information in the form of statistics and analyses. With these insights we can take preventive measures at policy level that will decrease absenteeism, and more importantly, contribute to the vitality and job satisfaction of our employees. This combined with a regular Social Medical Meeting for our supervisors about topics related to absenteeism and prevention will lead to focused action.
Organisation Scan
“The Organisation Scan of HumanCapitalCare provided Obvion with insight into the most important points of attention and action for increasing and ensuring long-term employability. Based on this list of recommendations, a plan of action was formulated, which HR and the Management Board embraced and with which we have begun to take action together.”
Proactive and approachable
By now, Obvion and HumanCapitalCare have completed their first year of collaboration during which they gradually discovered how to make the road of change more successful together. It is Rob’s experience that a meaningful partnership has been created. “We notice that there is a very positive and ambitious atmosphere again with regard to vitality and absenteeism prevention. HumanCapitalCare is proactive and approachable. They take the role of a guide, draw us in, guide the way, schedule meetings and carry out evaluations regularly. Once again, we are stimulated to become focused. HumanCapitalCare clearly matters more, also to Obvion!”