Factors that encourage and discourage employees to return to work
We asked employees who are out of the running due to psychological complaints what encourages them to return to work.

One of the most facilitating factors is having nice colleagues. Fortunately, managers do not stand alone; the support colleagues give each other also contributes significantly to vitality. As a manager, you can encourage mutual support. You can only be a team together.
Factors that discourage employees to return to work.

Besides work-related issues, private problems also discourage employees to return to work. There are various options at the organisational, managerial and employee levels to keep employees balanced when private events occur. Examples include a listening ear, balancing work, more control options or financial help. To facilitate this is also part of good employment practice.
Generation thinking

Problems in private life and support from colleagues and the manager are more likely to play a role among younger employees. There are various options to properly support employees at every stage of life when they are facing private challenges, e.g. arrangements for a sabbatical, leave of absence because of children and short-term leave for family commitments. Make sure you have a clear vision of this as an organisation.
Source: Based on data from preventive research by ArboNed and HumanCapitalCare, period 2019-2022.